
The Importance of Gay Marriage

Originally posted on www.twomenonacake.com

Gay marriage is a hot topic everywhere you go, over the last few years it has been one of the biggest things people within the gay community have been discussing and one of the biggest subjects discussed outside of the gay community as well.

A few years ago I was one of the number of people who didn’t really care about the prospect of gay marriage, because as I’ve already mentioned before I found it to be an outdated institution and always believed in the thought that you don’t need a piece of paper to show your love for someone.
But as I’ve got older I’ve come to realise that gay marriage is so much more than just a piece of paper, it is about a human right, a given right to prove your love and commitment for someone, all in all it is about equality and that is one of the biggest things that not just the gay community but people from all over the world have strived for, day after day for the best part of the last 100 years.
I mean if people today considered not giving women a vote or not allowing someone of different racial background to sit next to a white person on a bus it would be considered an outrage. So why is there still this huge negativity thrust towards two people of the same sex to get married?
You only have to look at the California and Proposition 8 to realise just how bad things can get when it comes to gay marriage, what gives these people the right to tell two people they cant cement their love like any other person with marriage? The answer to this is nothing, nothing gives them the right, it is your right as a human being to be allowed to get married to who ever you want and when.
Gay marriage is also good for the economy, you only have to look at New York where gay marriage has recently been legalised, because of this the city is expected to see around 63,000 people get married and generate over $100 million for the economy. See our money is just as good as any one else’s.
As a young person who recently got engaged I am lucky that I live in the United Kingdom where there hasn’t been the fuss over two men getting married like there has been in certain states in America, but even then we aren’t totally equal as we can only enter into a civil partnership, but it is a start, who would have thought you would even be able to do that back in 1960 when being gay was still illegal.
It may seem like full gay marriage may take a while before it is completely legalised but if you stand up for your right to love and your right to marry the person you love then it will happen, because at the end of the day equality is important and that makes gay marriage hugely important to everyone in our community.

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