

Originally posted on www.twomenonacake.com

If you’re reading this then I assume you are either married, recently engaged or just a sucker for a story about two people who fell in love, and lets be honest who doesn’t enjoy a good love story.
Two Men on a Cake will be looking at couples who aren’t married yet but recently got engaged as well as weddings stories. Therefore I’m going to be telling you a little about myself and what I want from my own wedding, I don’t have anything finalised yet due to needing the money to get married, but I’ve got the man so that’s all that counts at the moment.
Growing up I never wanted to get married, I always saw it as something that was trivial and pointless and just thought that it was now an out dated institution and at the time of thinking this gay couples still couldn’t get married or enter a civil partnership, so I always thought what was the point?
But now as we all know we can get married here in the United Kingdom, which is brilliant, and even though I never wanted to get married I always had an idea of what I would want on my wedding day.
So after meeting someone nine months ago, we first started talking online, how sad/21st century, but hey it’s how most people meet these days. So a few months down the line and I fell in love and originally had no intentions to ever get married, I was happy that I was in a loving relationship and that was fine by me. We often joked about “when we are married” and what not and that’s is how it started off. Then one night whilst out in Manchester infamous gay village with a group of friends we got separated from them, we then found ourselves talking about marriage and then a little later on outside Churchill’s I asked him to marry me, lucky enough for me he said yes.
Now some people may have thought that eight months was a bit quick to get engaged but who cares about what other people may think, I mean he knows me better than nay has ever known me or currently knows me. For my 21st birthday he bought me Kylie Minogue tickets and adopted the penguins at Chester Zoo for me (they’re my favourite), So he knows me pretty well. Now we haven’t put a lot of thought into the wedding yet, (although we have been internet browsing for rings and know that we will eventually have double barrelled name),) but we do want to do it within the next year or two when we have finally got some money behind us, because I know me and I know it wont be cheap.
So what I ideally would want is for it to take place in some sort of country estate with a live band, maybe swing music? You have to have swing music at a wedding; they just go hand in hand. Basically if you have seen the film version of The Time Travellers Wife then the wedding there is something that I will be striving for, so you can now see what I mean by it’s going to be expensive.
So this is where I now begin to save and plan … so wish me luck!

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