Well this weekend I had a rather eventful trip back to South Wales for a friends birthday and to visit my family.
The weekend was fuelled with too much alcohol, overpriced clubs/drinks, drama, a lack of sleep and crazy taxi drivers.
So Friday was when it all began when me and my boyfriend left for South Wales at 6am in order to arrive early. So after travelling for two and a half hours and feeling as though someone had sucked all the moisture out of my eyes we finally arrived in good old Newport, and surprise surprise it was raining (nothing new there). This however was not the end of the travelling as we were now required to get on the bus, now I hate the bus due to it stopping so much and being filled with people who either:
A) Smell.
B) Sit next to you even when the bus is completely empty.
So after finally arriving in Abercarn, I returned to my parents house feeling sick so therefore couldn't eat, which is something that annoys me at the best of times and annoys me even more when there's a cooked breakfast awaiting. I ate it later.
So skip forward a few hours and it was time to go out, this was after the incident of trying to dry my hair with a hot brush as my sister had taken the only hair dryer to Ibiza. Seriously who has one hair dryer in a house with three girls?
So arriving in town it was all going well, everyone was drunk, there was some drama that I stayed out of considering it had nothing to do with me, it's all ok now though! But then of course my stupid wisdom tooth decided it wanted to make another attempt to escape into my mouth and rip face/head/jaw apart ... Therefore at around 2am I left, and this was after purchasing a bottle of wine, so in our best Bonnie and Clyde (slight exaggeration) attempt me and my boyfriend smuggled it out. I have since discovered that he can apparently fit anything into his jeans ... Always a good quality in a person during a night out.
So yeah that was all fine and then it came to Saturday, and after waking up at half 8 and having minimal sleep me and the boyfriend ended up going up the pub with my auntie ... Always a wise thing to do with a lack of sleep and a trip to Cardiff in line. Seriously we should have been napping.
So at around 7 we went to my friend's house, this was after the devastating news about Amy Winehouse which had just put me into a state of mourning (it's ok I held a musical tribute the next day whilst packing).
So after a few too many glasses of wine, cocktails and shots and a little bit of drama before we left, involving me losing my wallet, only to find it in the middle of the road where I had clearly dropped whilst getting out of the car, and one piece that won't be named we finally headed off to Cardiff in a hummer limo (how exciting!!) ... Where we were told off for standing out of the roof, seriously don't make the window flip upwards if you don't want people hanging out of it!
So all was good we had a few dances and drinks and many photos, before we got charged an absurd amount of money to go to Revs, and even more absurd amount for drinks (£5 entry and £15 for a bottle of wine, which was the cheapest drink .... SHOCKING), we soon left and headed to Burger King. With another bottle of wine in my boyfriends jeans.
Now Burger King was another annoyance due to it having human faeces smeared across the men's toilets which made me want to vomit everywhere, seriously a restaurant that apparently checks its toilets every 15 minutes shouldn't have crap all over the walls! Then some nosey cow got involved in my conversation saying she didn't want to hear us talking, even though she had been listening for the last half hour. This obviously resulted in a Nikki Graham-esque "who is she?" when she refused to butt out. She was soon quiet though after she was quite loudly told to "GO AWAY."
So after this we finally got into a taxi, which was half hour late ... Typical.
Now when we got dropped off was when it all got a bit dramatic and dangerous ... After the driver shouted numerous times when I asked him to drop me off at a certain point, claiming he wouldn't do it, even though this taxi cost £80 and he was half hour late, I asked for his licence number and taxi number, which he told me was on the front of the bus and I could get it once we stopped.
So after stopping and having a bit of a to do with another passenger, I went around to get the number, where the taxi driver attempted to run me over, not once, not twice ... But THREE times! All because I wanted his number to make a complaint.
Now if he had given it to me when I asked, which he is required to do by law then everything would have been find, I would gone home passed out and then gone for Sunday lunch. But now his three attempts to run me over had obviously left me completely shook up and petrified, so the police were called.
Now the police came the next day and all has been resolved and hopefully the taxi driver with excellent people skills will not being driving his taxi much longer.
Me - 1
Taxi driver - 0
But yeah that was my weekend!