
Review - Be Mine

Originally posted on www.biggaypictureshow.com

Be Mine is gay themed romantic comedy that tells the tale of a gay man who is about to be married, as he recounts the time he was a kissing virgin, waiting for that first snog.
At first you may think the film sounds like it could be another light hearted comedy in the way that Another Gay Movie was, but where as Another Gay Movie had hilarious characters and a plethora of laugh out loud moments, Be Mine has none of those. Overall it isa bit like what the secondary characters were up to during the house party of the first American Pie film, only this party is quite possibly the worst I’ve ever seen in a film, with around 20 guests and that’s being generous.
The premise does sound like it would be fun and entertaining, but it has been executed completely wrong. The script is trying too hard to be funny and whenever they almost have a funny moment they go and ruin it. The way its shot also lets it down massively as the opening credits look as though they were written on Microsoft Paint and then the film looks as though someone filmed it for a University project, which if it was a project of this sort would have been ok, but for a film release it was awful.
Some of the scenes in the film area bit long, such as the naked hot tub scene, which just drags on and makes you lose interest, much like many more scenes in the film. The bad execution also seeps into the acting as this is probably one of the most hammily acted films I have ever seen, with no one standing out for good reason.
Overall there weren’t any redeeming moments in this film. I did laugh but for all the wrong reasons. I can see what they were trying to do with this film, and maybe if the basis was used again – but everything else was overhauled – I’d watch that version. But until then all I can say is don’t go out of your way to see this one.

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